JA BizTown
The 5th Graders had a great time at JA BizTown! They worked hard in preparation for the field trip and all of their hard work paid off! What a great time!
Windsor Clubs!
Windsor started Clubs! Kids had such a fun time learning and hands on with many different club activities. We hope to have Windsor Clubs again soon!
Polk County Conservation Visits 2nd Grade
2nd Grade has been learning about fossils! Polk County Conservation does a wonderful job on visiting classrooms and teaching 2nd Grade more about fossils!
Holiday Winter Wear Tree!
Windsor has been putting together the holiday winter wear tree for students. Students helped decorate with gloves, mittens, scarves and hats for students!
Penny Wars!
Penny Wars winners were 5th grade and 1st grade won. The penny total was $1,507.35 for Florida schools! Kids had fun while donating to a great cause!
Be-Leaf in Yourself
Check out the fall scenery in the Windsor entryway! Be-Leaf in Yourself. Students will add their affirmations to the fall scenery!
Windsor Social!
It was a great evening for the Windsor Social! Thank you to all the families that came out to socialize!
School Wide Assembly
Windsor had it’s first school wide assembly to finish off the first week of school!
1st Day of School!
Welcome Back Windsor Families and Students! What a welcome we had!